Dread movie preview

On the 29 of January 2010 is about to be shown, as a USA premiere, the movie Dread, by Anthony DiBlasi. The main idea of the movie is that a group of students want to mace a documented study of the nature of fear, which brings them to lot's of unexpected results, when some of the participants are forced to face their own fears. The official trailer of the movie you could find on Dread - Official  movie blog, together with lot of other information.

Avatar movie trailer

Today I would like you to attach interest on the Avatar movie which is soon to be shown everywhere all over the world , because this is the most expensive budget, most wanted, most waited and one of the most interesint and amazing works of James Cameron (producer of the movie). The are trailers, photos, TV-spots of this movie allover the web, as it is one of the most colorizing events of the year.

So please, do not pass by it.